holistic sleep wellness
Achieving quality sleep on a regular basis is one of the best ways to enhance your overall health and wellness.
Based on the core principles of CBT-I, my holistic sleep wellness packages offer a great way to prevent a few nights of poor sleep or occasional sleep disruption from becoming a chronic sleep problem. Simply put, holistic sleep wellness is all about prevention.
Holistic sleep wellness may be right for you if:
You don’t fall into a chronic sleep disorder category (e.g., you don’t meet criteria for chronic insomnia), but you’d like some guidance optimizing your sleep schedule and/or elevating your overall sleep and circadian health
You are generally a good sleeper 5/7 nights a week, and you experience sleep disruption a few times/month or even more occasionally (e.g., only on night’s before traveling, a big work presentation, an upcoming medical procedure, etc.)
shining star package $850
Includes: Initial 60 min consultation, custom sleep wellness plan, bedroom audit, lifestyle audit, and two 30 min follow up visits
catching zzz package $650
Includes: Initial 60 min consultation, custom sleep wellness plan, bedroom audit, and one 30 min follow up visit